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              麻斯亮 許勇

              麻斯亮, 許勇. 疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別方法研究. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(5): 947?957 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230460
              引用本文: 麻斯亮, 許勇. 疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別方法研究. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(5): 947?957 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230460
              Ma Si-Liang, Xu Yong. Calligraphy character recognition method driven by stacked model. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(5): 947?957 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230460
              Citation: Ma Si-Liang, Xu Yong. Calligraphy character recognition method driven by stacked model. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(5): 947?957 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230460


              doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230460
              基金項目: 國家自然科學(xué)基金(62072188)資助

                麻斯亮:華南理工大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院博士研究生. 主要研究方向為機器學(xué)習, 文字圖像處理. E-mail: 202010107394@mail.scut.edu.cn

                許勇:華南理工大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院教授. 主要研究方向為機器學(xué)習, 視覺(jué)計算, 大數據. 本文通信作者. E-mail: yxu@scut.edu.cn

              Calligraphy Character Recognition Method Driven by Stacked Model

              Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62072188)
              More Information
                Author Bio:

                MA Si-Liang Ph.D. candidate at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology. His research interest covers machine learning and text image processing

                XU Yong Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology. His research interest covers machine learning, visual computing, and big data. Corresponding author of this paper

              • 摘要: 基于二維圖像的書(shū)法文字識別是指利用計算機視覺(jué)技術(shù)對書(shū)法文字單字圖像進(jìn)行識別, 在古籍研究和文化傳播中具有重要應用. 目前書(shū)法文字識別技術(shù)已經(jīng)取得了相當不錯的進(jìn)展, 但依舊面臨很多挑戰, 比如復雜多變的字形可能導致的識別誤差, 漢字本身又存在較多形近字, 且漢字字符類(lèi)別數與其他語(yǔ)言文字相比更多, 書(shū)法文字圖像普遍存在類(lèi)內差距大、類(lèi)間差距小的問(wèn)題. 為解決這些問(wèn)題, 提出疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別方法(Stacked-model driven character recognition, SDCR), 通過(guò)使用數據預處理、節點(diǎn)分離策略和疊層模型對現有單一分類(lèi)模型進(jìn)行改進(jìn), 按照字體類(lèi)別對同一類(lèi)別不同字體風(fēng)格的文字進(jìn)行二次劃分; 針對類(lèi)間差距小的問(wèn)題, 根據書(shū)法文字訓練集圖像識別置信度對形近字進(jìn)行子集劃分, 針對子集進(jìn)行嵌套模型增強訓練, 在測試階段利用疊層模型對形近字進(jìn)行二次識別, 提升形近字的識別準確率. 為了驗證該方法的魯棒性, 在自主生成的SCUT_Calligraphy數據集和CASIA-HWDB 1.1, CASIA-AHCDB公開(kāi)數據集上進(jìn)行訓練和測試, 實(shí)驗結果表明該方法在上述數據集的識別準確率均有較大幅度提升, 在CASIA-HWDB 1.1、CASIA-AHCDB和自建數據集SCUT_Calligraphy上測試準確率分別達到96.33%、99.51%和99.90%, 證明了該方法的有效性.
              • 圖  1  中國書(shū)法作品樣例

                Fig.  1  Samples of Chinese calligraphy works

                圖  2  書(shū)法文字中同一類(lèi)字不同字形及形近字示例

                Fig.  2  Examples of different glyphs and close shapes of the same type of characters in calligraphy text

                圖  3  本文所述部分數據集圖像示例

                Fig.  3  Part of images from datasets mentioned in this paper

                圖  4  疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別方法架構圖

                Fig.  4  Architecture of calligraphy character recognition method driven by stacked model

                圖  5  節點(diǎn)分離訓練策略流程圖(以“即”字為例)

                Fig.  5  Flowchart of nodes separation training strategy (Take the character “JI” as an example)

                圖  6  疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別測試階段流程圖

                Fig.  6  Flowchart of the test phase of calligraphy character recognition driven by stacked model

                圖  7  輸入圖像分辨率與書(shū)法文字識別準確率變化關(guān)系

                Fig.  7  The relationship between input image resolution and calligraphy character recognition accuracy

                表  1  實(shí)驗數據集詳細屬性

                Table  1  Detailed properties of experimental datasets

                CASIA-AHCDBStyle-1 BC2 353828 969253 990
                Style-1 EC3 20188 87036 143
                Style-2 BC2 353725 240202 404
                Style-2 EC74066 69017 741
                CASIA-HWDB 1.13 755847 466223 991
                SCUT_Calligraphy3 767251 66426 106
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                表  2  疊層模型驅動(dòng)的書(shū)法文字識別消融實(shí)驗結果

                Table  2  Ablation experimental results of calligraphy character recognition driven by stacked model

                測試數據集數據預處理節點(diǎn)分離疊層模型驅動(dòng)Precision (%)Recall (%)F1-Score (%)
                CASIA-HWDB 1.1×××89.6488.9589.29
                CASIA-AHCDB (Style-1 BC)×××94.5095.1094.79
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                表  3  單模型和疊層模型驅動(dòng)模型識別可視化結果對比

                Table  3  Comparison of visualization results for single model and stacked precision neural network model recognition

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                表  4  不同子集書(shū)法文字圖像使用單模型和疊層模型驅動(dòng)模型識別結果對比

                Table  4  Comparison of recognition results of different calligraphy character images subsets using single model and stacked model

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                表  5  不同方法在CASIA-AHCDB, CASIA-HWDB 1.1和SCUT_Calligraphy數據集上的測試結果對比 (%)

                Table  5  The performance of comparison different methods test on the CASIA-AHCDB, CASIA-HWDB 1.1 and SCUT_Calligraphy (%)

                CASIA-AHCDBCASIA-HWDB 1.1SCUT_Calligraphy
                Style-1 BCStyle-1 BC&ECStyle-2 BCStyle-2 BC&ECStyle-1 BC (train) Style-2 BC (test)
                RAN + CRA[36]85.5471.02
                RPN + CRA[37]86.9172.06
                SDCR + JD99.5198.2398.7497.0186.1596.3399.90
                注: SDCR + JD指同時(shí)使用疊層模型驅動(dòng)和節點(diǎn)分離訓練策略.
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