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              曹承鈺 李繁飆 廖宇新 殷澤陽(yáng) 桂衛華

              曹承鈺, 李繁飆, 廖宇新, 殷澤陽(yáng), 桂衛華. 高超聲速變外形飛行器建模與固定時(shí)間預設性能控制. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(3): 486?504 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230240
              引用本文: 曹承鈺, 李繁飆, 廖宇新, 殷澤陽(yáng), 桂衛華. 高超聲速變外形飛行器建模與固定時(shí)間預設性能控制. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(3): 486?504 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230240
              Cao Cheng-Yu, Li Fan-Biao, Liao Yu-Xin, Yin Ze-Yang, Gui Wei-Hua. Modeling and fixed-time prescribed performance control for hypersonic morphing vehicle. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 486?504 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230240
              Citation: Cao Cheng-Yu, Li Fan-Biao, Liao Yu-Xin, Yin Ze-Yang, Gui Wei-Hua. Modeling and fixed-time prescribed performance control for hypersonic morphing vehicle. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 486?504 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230240


              doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230240
              基金項目: 國家優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金 (62222317), 國家自然科學(xué)基金 (61973319, 62003372, 62103446), 湖南省自然科學(xué)基金 (2022JJ40633), 裝備預研教育部聯(lián)合基金(8091B032134), 湖南省科技重大專(zhuān)項(2021GK1030), 湖南省重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃(2023GK2023), 中南大學(xué)中央高?;究蒲袠I(yè)務(wù)費專(zhuān)項資金(2023ZZTS0345)資助

                曹承鈺:中南大學(xué)自動(dòng)化學(xué)院博士研究生. 2022年獲得中南大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為高超聲速飛行器制導與控制. E-mail: chengyu.cj@csu.edu.cn

                李繁飆:中南大學(xué)自動(dòng)化學(xué)院教授. 2015年獲得哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)博士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為復雜工業(yè)過(guò)程智能控制與優(yōu)化, 空天飛行器智能控制. E-mail: fanbiaoli@csu.edu.cn

                廖宇新:中南大學(xué)自動(dòng)化學(xué)院副教授. 2017年獲得北京航空航天大學(xué)博士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為空天飛行器軌跡規劃、制導和控制. 本文通信作者. E-mail: liaoyuxin@csu.edu.cn

                殷澤陽(yáng):中南大學(xué)自動(dòng)化學(xué)院講師. 2020年獲得西北工業(yè)大學(xué)博士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為空天飛行器動(dòng)力學(xué)建模、智能決策及先進(jìn)制導和控制. E-mail: yinzeyang@csu.edu.cn

                桂衛華:中國工程院院士, 中南大學(xué)自動(dòng)化學(xué)院教授. 1981年獲得中南礦冶學(xué)院碩士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為工業(yè)過(guò)程控制理論、技術(shù)和工程應用. E-mail: gwh@csu.edu.cn

              Modeling and Fixed-time Prescribed Performance Control for Hypersonic Morphing Vehicle

              Funds: Supported by National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (62222317), National Natural Science Foundation of China (61973319, 62003372, 62103446), Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2022JJ40633), Joint Fund of The Ministry of Education for Equipment Pre-Research (8091B032134), Major Science and Technology Projects in Hunan Province (2021GK1030), Key Research and Development Program of Hunan Province (2023GK2023), and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Central South University (2023ZZTS0345)
              More Information
                Author Bio:

                CAO Cheng-Yu Ph.D. candidate at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his master degree from Central South University in 2022. His research interest covers guidance and control of hypersonic vehicle

                LI Fan-Biao Professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2015. His research interest covers intelligent control and optimization of complex industrial process, intelligent control of aerospace vehicle

                LIAO Yu-Xin Associate professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Beihang University in 2017. His research interest covers trajectory planning, guidance and control of aerospace vehicle. Corresponding author of this paper

                YIN Ze-Yang Lecturer at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2020. His research interest covers dynamics modeling, intelligent decision-making, advanced guidance and control of aerospace vehicle

                GUI Wei-Hua Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and professor at the School of Automation, Central South University. He received his master degree from Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in 1981. His research interest covers industrial process control theory, technology and engineering application

              • 摘要: 以一種折疊式高超聲速變外形飛行器(Hypersonic morphing vehicle, HMV)為研究對象, 綜合考慮變形引起的氣動(dòng)特性、動(dòng)力學(xué)特性的動(dòng)態(tài)變化和模型不確定性、外部干擾的影響, 開(kāi)展飛行器建模與固定時(shí)間預設性能控制方法研究. 首先, 建立高超聲速變外形飛行器的運動(dòng)模型和姿態(tài)控制模型; 然后, 采用固定時(shí)間干擾觀(guān)測器實(shí)現對模型不確定性和外部干擾構成的復合總擾動(dòng)的精確估計, 并設計一種新型固定時(shí)間預設性能函數以定量描述期望性能約束, 在此基礎上, 基于預設性能控制架構并結合動(dòng)態(tài)面控制技術(shù)設計預設性能姿態(tài)控制器, 利用Lyapunov穩定性理論證明閉環(huán)系統的固定時(shí)間穩定性; 最后, 通過(guò)數值仿真驗證所提出方法的有效性和魯棒性.
              • 圖  1  高超聲速變外形飛行器氣動(dòng)外形及變形過(guò)程示意圖

                Fig.  1  Aerodynamic shape and morphing process of hypersonic morphing vehicle

                圖  2  折疊翼幾何關(guān)系示意圖

                Fig.  2  Geometric relationship diagram of folding wing

                圖  3  升阻比隨攻角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  3  Curves of lift-drag ratio varying with angle of attack

                圖  4  升阻比隨折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  4  Curves of lift-drag ratio varying with folding angle

                圖  5  滾轉力矩系數隨折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  5  Curves of rolling moment coefficient varying with folding angle

                圖  6  偏航力矩系數隨折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  6  Curves of yawing moment coefficient varying with folding angle

                圖  7  俯仰力矩系數隨折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  7  Curves of pitching moment coefficient varying with folding angle

                圖  8  飛行器固定時(shí)間預設性能控制方案框圖

                Fig.  8  Flowchart of fixed-time prescribed performance control for HMV

                圖  9  不同預設性能函數的變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  9  Curves of different PPF

                圖  10  仿真1姿態(tài)角跟蹤曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  10  Tracking curves of attitude angle in Simulation 1

                圖  11  仿真1姿態(tài)角跟蹤誤差曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  11  Curves of attitude angle tracking error in Simulation 1

                圖  12  仿真1姿態(tài)角速度變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  12  Curves of attitude angular velocity in Simulation 1

                圖  13  仿真1折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  13  Curves of folding angle in Simulation 1

                圖  14  仿真1氣動(dòng)力和附加力變化曲線(xiàn) (0 ~ 3 s)

                Fig.  14  Curves of aerodynamic force and additional force in Simulation 1 (0 ~ 3 s)

                圖  15  仿真1氣動(dòng)力和附加力變化曲線(xiàn) (5 ~ 9 s)

                Fig.  15  Curves of aerodynamic force and additional force in Simulation 1 (5 ~ 9 s)

                圖  16  仿真1氣動(dòng)力和附加力變化曲線(xiàn) (11 ~ 16 s)

                Fig.  16  Curves of aerodynamic force and additional force in Simulation 1 (11 ~ 16 s)

                圖  17  仿真1氣動(dòng)力矩和附加力矩變化曲線(xiàn) (0 ~ 3 s)

                Fig.  17  Curves of aerodynamic torque and additional torque in Simulation 1 (0 ~ 3 s)

                圖  18  仿真1氣動(dòng)力矩和附加力矩變化曲線(xiàn) (5 ~ 9 s)

                Fig.  18  Curves of aerodynamic torque and additional torque in Simulation 1 (5 ~ 9 s)

                圖  19  仿真1氣動(dòng)力矩和附加力矩變化曲線(xiàn) (11 ~ 16 s)

                Fig.  19  Curves of aerodynamic torque and additional torque in Simulation 1 (11 ~ 16 s)

                圖  20  仿真2攻角跟蹤曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  20  Tracking curves of angle of attack in Simulation 2

                圖  21  仿真2側滑角跟蹤曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  21  Tracking curves of angle of sideslip in Simulation 2

                圖  22  仿真2傾側角跟蹤曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  22  Tracking curves of bank angle in Simulation 2

                圖  23  仿真2總擾動(dòng)及其觀(guān)測誤差曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  23  Curves of total disturbance and its observation error in Simulation 2

                圖  24  仿真2等效舵偏角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  24  Curves of equivalent deflection angle in Simulation 2

                圖  25  仿真2折疊角變化曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  25  Curves of folding angle in Simulation 2

                圖  26  仿真2累積誤差曲線(xiàn)

                Fig.  26  Curves of cumulative error in Simulation 2

                表  1  氣動(dòng)模型狀態(tài)量范圍

                Table  1  State quantity range of aerodynamics model

                馬赫數Ma$\left [ 2,18 \right ]$
                攻角$\alpha $$\left [ 0^{\circ},20^{\circ} \right ]$
                側滑角$\beta $$\left [ -2^{\circ},2^{\circ} \right ] $
                滾轉舵偏角$\delta_x$$ \left [ -20^{\circ},20^{\circ} \right ] $
                偏航舵偏角$\delta_y$$ \left [ -20^{\circ},20^{\circ} \right ] $
                俯仰舵偏角$\delta_z$ $ \left [ -20^{\circ},20^{\circ} \right ] $
                折疊角$\delta_f$$\left [ -30^{\circ},155^{\circ} \right ]$
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                表  2  高超聲速變外形飛行器機體參數

                Table  2  Body parameters of HMV

                折疊翼質(zhì)量$m_1, m_2$55kg
                $x$主軸轉動(dòng)慣量$I_{xx}$$\left [ 283,298 \right ] $kg·m2
                $y$主軸轉動(dòng)慣量$I_{yy}$$\left [ 2\;679,2\;722 \right ]$kg·m2
                $z$主軸轉動(dòng)慣量$I_{zz}$$\left [ 2\;528,2\;630 \right ]$kg·m2
                慣量積$I_{xy}$ $\left [ 163,169 \right ] $kg·m2
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                表  3  仿真參數設置

                Table  3  Setting of simulation parameters

                初始狀態(tài)參數$H=35$ km, $V=3\;200$ m/s
                $\lambda ={{120}^{\circ }}$, $\phi ={{20}^{\circ}}$, $\theta=-{{1}^{\circ}}$, ${{\psi}_{v}}={{10}^{\circ}}$
                $\alpha={{8}^{\circ}}$, $\beta={{1}^{\circ}}$, $\sigma={{18}^{\circ}}$
                ${{\omega}_{x}}={{\omega}_{y}}={{\omega}_{z}}=0$, ${{\delta}_{x}}={{\delta}_{y}}={{\delta}_{z}}=0$
                控制參數${{\boldsymbol{\rho }}_{0}}={{\left[ {{\rho }_{0,1}},{{\rho }_{0,2}},{{\rho }_{0,3}} \right]}^{\text{T}}}={{\left[ 5,3,5 \right]}^{\text{T}}}$
                ${{\boldsymbol{\rho }}_{\infty }}={{\left[ {{\rho }_{\infty ,1}},{{\rho }_{\infty ,2}},{{\rho }_{\infty ,3}} \right]}^{\text{T}}}={{\left[ 0.2,0.1,0.3 \right]}^{\text{T}}}$
                ${{m}_{1,i}}=3$, ${{m}_{2,i}}=5$, ${{n}_{1,i}}=5$, ${{n}_{2,i}}=7$
                ${{\alpha }_{01,i}}=0.15$, ${{\alpha }_{02,i}}=0.2$, ${{\delta }_{1,i}}={{\delta }_{2,i}}=1$
                ${{k}_{1,i}}={{k}_{2,i}}=2$, $\text{ }{{k}_{3,i}}={{k}_{4,i}}=4$
                ${{\varepsilon }_{1,i}}=0.02$, ${{\gamma }_{1,i}}=0.6$, ${{\gamma }_{2,i}}=1.4$
                ${{k}_{z1,i}}=4$, ${{k}_{z2,i}}=4$, ${{\varepsilon }_{0,i}}=0.2$
                仿真步長(cháng)d$t$= 0.01 s
                外部干擾項$\Delta {rf50c1hsl6_{1,1}}=500\left( -\cos ({\pi t}/{20})+\sin ({\pi t}/{40}) \right)\;\text{N}\cdot \text{m}$
                $\Delta {rf50c1hsl6_{1,2}}=300\left( -\cos ({\pi t}/{30})+\sin ({\pi t}/{60}) \right)\;\text{N}\cdot \text{m}$
                $\Delta {rf50c1hsl6_{1,3}}=1\;000\cos ({\pi t}/{30})\sin ({\pi t}/{20})\;\text{N}\cdot \text{m}$
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