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              趙健程 趙春暉

              趙健程, 趙春暉. 面向全量測點(diǎn)耦合結構分析與估計的工業(yè)過(guò)程監測方法. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(8): 1517?1538 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220090
              引用本文: 趙健程, 趙春暉. 面向全量測點(diǎn)耦合結構分析與估計的工業(yè)過(guò)程監測方法. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2024, 50(8): 1517?1538 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220090
              Zhao Jian-Cheng, Zhao Chun-Hui. An industrial process monitoring method based on total measurement point coupling structure analysis and estimation. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(8): 1517?1538 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220090
              Citation: Zhao Jian-Cheng, Zhao Chun-Hui. An industrial process monitoring method based on total measurement point coupling structure analysis and estimation. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(8): 1517?1538 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220090


              doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220090
              基金項目: 國家自然科學(xué)基金杰出青年基金 (62125306), 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目 (62133003)資助

                趙健程:浙江大學(xué)控制科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院博士研究生. 2021年獲得浙江大學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為大數據分析, 深度學(xué)習和零樣本學(xué)習. E-mail: zhaojiancheng@zju.edu.cn

                趙春暉:浙江大學(xué)控制科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院教授. 2003年, 2006年, 2009年分別獲得東北大學(xué)學(xué)士、碩士和博士學(xué)位. 主要研究方向為機器學(xué)習, 工業(yè)大數據解析與應用, 包括化工, 能源以及醫療領(lǐng)域. 本文通信作者. E-mail: chhzhao@zju.edu.cn

              An Industrial Process Monitoring Method Based on Total Measurement Point Coupling Structure Analysis and Estimation

              Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars (62125306) and National Nat-ural Science Foundation of China (62133003)
              More Information
                Author Bio:

                ZHAO Jian-Cheng Ph.D. candidate at the College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. He received his bachelor degree from Zhejiang University in 2021. His research interest covers big data analysis, deep learning, and zero-shot learning

                ZHAO Chun-Hui Professor at the College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. She received her bachelor, master, and Ph.D. degrees from Northeastern University, in 2003, 2006, and 2009, respectively. Her research interest covers machine learning, analytics of industrial big data, and their applications in chemical, energy, and medical fields. Corresponding author of this paper

              • 摘要: 實(shí)際工業(yè)場(chǎng)景中, 需要在生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中收集大量測點(diǎn)的數據, 從而掌握生產(chǎn)過(guò)程運行狀態(tài). 傳統的過(guò)程監測方法通常僅評估運行狀態(tài)整體的異常與否, 或對運行狀態(tài)進(jìn)行分級評估, 這種方式并不會(huì )直接定位故障部位, 不利于故障的高效檢修. 為此, 提出一種基于全量測點(diǎn)估計的監測模型, 根據全量測點(diǎn)估計值與實(shí)際值的偏差定義監測指標, 從而實(shí)現全量測點(diǎn)的分別精準監測. 為克服原有的基于工況估計的監測方法監測不全面且對測點(diǎn)間耦合關(guān)系建模不充分的問(wèn)題, 提出多核圖卷積網(wǎng)絡(luò )(Multi-kernel graph convolutional network, MKGCN), 通過(guò)將全量傳感器測點(diǎn)視為一張全量測點(diǎn)圖, 顯式地對測點(diǎn)間耦合關(guān)系進(jìn)行建模, 從而實(shí)現全量傳感器測點(diǎn)的同步工況估計. 此外, 面向在線(xiàn)監測場(chǎng)景, 設計基于特征逼近的自迭代方法, 從而克服在異常情況下由于測點(diǎn)間強耦合導致的部分測點(diǎn)估計值異常的問(wèn)題. 所提出的方法在電廠(chǎng)百萬(wàn)千瓦超超臨界機組中引風(fēng)機的實(shí)際數據上進(jìn)行驗證, 結果顯示, 與其他典型方法相比, 所提出的監測方法能夠更精準地檢測出發(fā)生故障的測點(diǎn).
              • 圖  1  LSTM內部結構

                Fig.  1  Internal structure of LSTM

                圖  2  面向全量測點(diǎn)估計的多核圖卷積模型結構

                Fig.  2  Structure of multi-kernel graph convolution model for total measurement points estimation

                圖  3  MKGCN層的計算過(guò)程

                Fig.  3  Calculation process of MKGCN layer

                圖  4  MKGCN層的堆疊使用

                Fig.  4  The stacking use of MKGCN layers

                圖  5  自迭代方法

                Fig.  5  Self-iterative method

                圖  6  訓練數據中測點(diǎn)間相關(guān)性

                Fig.  6  Correlation between measuring points on training data

                圖  7  基于MKGCN的模型監測效果圖$( \text{var} \in F)$

                Fig.  7  Monitoring diagram of model based on MKGCN $( \text{var} \in F)$

                圖  8  MEST方法漏報的部分異常變量

                Fig.  8  Some abnormal variables partially missed by MEST method

                圖  9  AE模型誤報的部分正常變量

                Fig.  9  Some normal variables with serious false alarm by AE model

                圖  10  不同通道的鄰接核可視化結果

                Fig.  10  Visualization results of adjacency kernels in different channels

                圖  11  測點(diǎn)12和測點(diǎn)25的工況估計值對比

                Fig.  11  Comparison of working condition estimated values of measuring point 12 and measuring point 25

                表  1  引風(fēng)機測點(diǎn)對應表

                Table  1  Measuring points of induced draft fan

                測點(diǎn)編號物理量 測點(diǎn)編號物理量 測點(diǎn)編號物理量
                0功率信號三選值 11引風(fēng)機水平振動(dòng)22引風(fēng)機油箱溫度
                1進(jìn)氣溫度12引風(fēng)機后軸承溫度 123引風(fēng)機中軸承溫度 1
                2引風(fēng)機電機定子線(xiàn)圈溫度 113引風(fēng)機后軸承溫度 224引風(fēng)機中軸承溫度 2
                3引風(fēng)機電機定子線(xiàn)圈溫度 214引風(fēng)機后軸承溫度 325引風(fēng)機中軸承溫度 3
                4引風(fēng)機電機定子線(xiàn)圈溫度 315引風(fēng)機鍵相26爐膛壓力
                5引風(fēng)機電機水平振動(dòng) 116引風(fēng)機靜葉位置反饋27引風(fēng)機出口風(fēng)溫
                6引風(fēng)機電機水平振動(dòng) 217引風(fēng)機前軸承溫度 128引風(fēng)機入口壓力
                7引風(fēng)機電機軸承溫度 118引風(fēng)機前軸承溫度 229引風(fēng)機出口風(fēng)壓
                8引風(fēng)機電機軸承溫度 219引風(fēng)機前軸承溫度 330引風(fēng)機靜葉開(kāi)度指令
                10引風(fēng)機風(fēng)垂直振動(dòng) 21引風(fēng)機潤滑油壓力 32爐膛壓力
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                表  2  基于MKGCN層的工況估計模型結構

                Table  2  Structure of working condition estimation model based on MKGCN layer

                序號網(wǎng)絡(luò )層數目參數激活函數
                1BiLSTM$n$ $[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = len, {{\rm{hidden}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld]$None
                FC$n$ $[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = len, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$
                2MKGCN$1$$[ {{c_{{\rm{in}}}} = 1,n{o_{{\rm{in}}}} = n,f{e_{{\rm{in}}}} = 2 \times ld} $,
                $ {{c_{{\rm{out}}}} = oc,n{o_{{\rm{out}}}} = n,f{e_{{\rm{out}}}} = 4 \times ld}] $
                3FC 0$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 4 \times ld, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$Tanh
                4FC 1$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 1]$Tanh
                5FC 2$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = \;oc, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 1]$None
                6特征逼近層 (FC)$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = oc, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 1]$None
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                表  3  基于GCN的工況估計模型結構

                Table  3  Structure of working condition estimation model based on GCN

                序號網(wǎng)絡(luò )層數目參數激活函數
                1BiLSTM$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = len, {{\rm{hidden}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld]$None
                2GCN1$[{\rm{in}}\_{\rm{feature}} = 2 \times ld, {\rm{out}}\_{\rm{feature}} = 4 \times ld]$Tanh
                3FC 0$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 4 \times ld, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$Tanh
                4FC 1$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld]$Tanh
                5FC 2$n$$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld, {{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 1]$None
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                表  4  模型實(shí)現和參數網(wǎng)格搜索范圍

                Table  4  Model implementation and parameter grid search range

                PLSRscikit-learn$nc$$nc = \left\{ {5,10,15,20,25} \right\}$
                ELMD.C. Lambert$E,\alpha $$ E = \left\{ {50,100,150,200,250} \right\}, $
                $ \alpha = \left\{ {0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9} \right\} $
                FCPaddlePaddle$ld$$ld = \left\{ {8,16,32,64,128} \right\}$
                BiLSTMPaddlePaddle$ld$$ld = \left\{ {8,16,32,64,128} \right\}$
                Conv1DPaddlePaddle$ld$$ld = \left\{ {8,16,32,64,128} \right\}$
                GCNPaddlePaddle$ld$$ld = \left\{ {8,16,32,64,128} \right\}$
                MKGCNPaddlePaddle$ld,oc$$ ld = \left\{ {8,16,32,64,128} \right\},$
                $ oc = \left\{ {2,4,8,16,32} \right\} $
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                表  5  網(wǎng)格搜索結果與深度神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )方法在最優(yōu)超參數下總參數量

                Table  5  Grid search results and total parameters of depth neural network method with optimal hyperparameters

                PLSR$nc = 15$$n$/
                ELM$E = 200,\alpha = 0.9$$n$/
                FC$ld = 128$$n$ 5 × 105
                BiLSTM$ld = 128$$n$6.9 × 106
                Conv1D$ld = 128$ $n$ 9 × 105
                GCN$ld = 64$$1$9.8 × 106
                MKGCN$ld = 8,oc = 32$$1$1.8 × 105
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                表  6  測試數據上不同模型的工況估計結果(RMSE)

                Table  6  Results of different working condition estimation models on test data (RMSE)

                $\text{var} \in N$0.0420.0640.0590.0520.0600.0420.0050.044
                $\text{var} \in F$0.0460.0760.0590.0490.0820.0490.0060.046
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                表  7  測試數據上不同模型的工況估計結果(MAE)

                Table  7  Results of different working condition estimation models on test data (MAE)

                $\text{var} \in N$0.0340.0520.0490.0430.0510.0340.0040.036
                $\text{var} \in F$0.0390.0660.0500.0410.0700.0430.0050.039
                下載: 導出CSV

                表  8  監測數據上各監測指標$( \text{var} \in N)$

                Table  8  Monitoring indicators on monitoring data $( \text{var} \in N)$

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                表  9  監測數據上各監測指標$( \text{var} \in F)$

                Table  9  Monitoring indicators on monitoring data $( \text{var} \in F)$

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                表  10  基于A(yíng)E的工況估計模型的結構

                Table  10  Structure of working condition estimation model based on AE

                序號網(wǎng)絡(luò )層數目參數激活函數
                1BiLSTM1$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = \;len,{{\rm{hidden}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$None
                2FC 01$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 4 \times ld,{{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$Tanh
                3FC 11$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld,{{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld]$Tanh
                4FC 21$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = ld,{{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld]$Tanh
                5FC 31$[{ {\rm{input}}\_{\rm{size}}} = 2 \times ld,{{\rm{output}}\_{\rm{size}}} = n]$None
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                表  11  AE與MKGCN實(shí)驗結果對比(MKGCN實(shí)驗結果同表6 ~ 9)

                Table  11  Comparison of experimental results between AE and MKGCN (The experimental results of MKGCN are the same as Tables 6 ~ 9)

                RMSE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0200.044
                RMSE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0220.046
                MAE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0160.036
                MAE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0190.039
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in N$38.8114.500
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in N$00
                F1, $\text{var} \in N$75.92297.698
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in F$35.00910.769
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in F$0.8871.056
                F1, $\text{var} \in F$78.50593.836
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                表  12  單輸出通道與多輸出通道性能對比

                Table  12  Performance comparison between single output channel and multiple output channels

                指標$oc = 1$$oc = 32$
                RMSE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0430.044
                RMSE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0550.046
                MAE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0350.036
                MAE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0490.039
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in N$38.4864.500
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in N$00
                F1, $\text{var} \in N$76.17297.698
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in F$36.02210.769
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in F$5.2371.056
                F1, $\text{var} \in F$76.38593.836
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                表  13  單輸入通道與多輸入通道性能對比

                Table  13  Performance comparison between single input channel and multiple input channels

                RMSE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0840.0460.044
                RMSE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0440.0440.046
                MAE, $\text{var} \in N$0.0720.0380.036
                MAE, $\text{var} \in F$0.0370.0380.039
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in N$22.7035.5274.500
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in N$000
                F1, $\text{var} \in N$87.19597.15897.698
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in F$33.40515.37210.769
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in F$16.76510.0931.056
                F1, $\text{var} \in F$73.99187.18793.836
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                表  14  自迭代效果對比

                Table  14  Comparison of self-iteration effect

                指標$it = 0$$it = 5$$it = 50$
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in N$11.6627.5274.500
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in N$000
                F1, $\text{var} \in N$93.80896.08997.698
                ${False}_\text{p}$, $\text{var} \in F$11.74012.28910.769
                ${False}_\text{n}$, $\text{var} \in F$1.7320.6761.055
                F1, $\text{var} \in F$93.00093.15793.837
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