doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210983
遼寧石油化工大學(xué)信息與控制工程學(xué)院 撫順 113000
東北大學(xué)流程工業(yè)綜合自動(dòng)化國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室 沈陽(yáng) 110819
Asynchronous Updating Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Decision-making Operational Indices of Uncertain Industrial Processes
School of Information and Control Engineering, Liaoning Petrochemical University, Fushun 113000
State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819
摘要: 運行指標決策問(wèn)題是實(shí)現工業(yè)過(guò)程運行安全和生產(chǎn)指標優(yōu)化的關(guān)鍵. 考慮到多運行指標決策問(wèn)題求解的復雜性和工業(yè)過(guò)程生產(chǎn)條件動(dòng)態(tài)波動(dòng)引發(fā)生產(chǎn)指標狀態(tài)的不確定性, 提出了一種策略異步更新強化學(xué)習算法自學(xué)習決策運行指標, 并給出算法收斂性的理論證明. 該算法在隨機自適應動(dòng)態(tài)規劃框架下, 利用樣本均值代替計算生產(chǎn)指標狀態(tài)轉移概率矩陣, 因此無(wú)需要求生產(chǎn)指標狀態(tài)轉移概率矩陣已知. 并且通過(guò)引入時(shí)鐘和定義其閾值, 采用集中式策略評估、多策略異步更新方式用以簡(jiǎn)化求解多運行指標決策問(wèn)題, 提高強化學(xué)習的學(xué)習效率. 利用可測量數據, 自學(xué)習得到的運行指標能夠保證生產(chǎn)指標優(yōu)化, 并且限制在規定范圍之內. 最后, 采用中國西部某大型選礦廠(chǎng)的實(shí)際數據進(jìn)行仿真驗證, 表明該方法的有效性.
- 運行優(yōu)化控制 /
- 強化學(xué)習 /
- 數據驅動(dòng)控制 /
- 自適應動(dòng)態(tài)規劃 /
- 安全運行
Abstract: The decision-making operational index has been a key issue for achieving safe and optimal operation of industrial processes. Considering the complexity of decision making of multiple operational indices and the uncertainty of production indices caused by changes of working condition in industrial processes, this paper proposes a reinforcement learning algorithm with policy asynchronous updating for the first time aiming at self-learning operational indices, followed by the theoretical proof of convergence of the proposed algorithm. To this end, under the framework of stochastic adaptive dynamic programming, the sample mean is utilized rather than calculating the state transition probability matrix of production indices, with the outcome that the state transition probability matrix of production indices is not required to be known a priori. Distinctly from traditional synchronized policy updating, the centralized policy evaluation and asynchronous updating of multiple policies are implemented in the proposed algorithm based on the introduction of a time clock with its threshold, such that solving the concerned decision-making problem of multiple operational indices becomes easier and the learning efficiency of reinforcement learning is improved. Thus, the self-learned operational indices using measured data can ensure the optimality of production indices and limit them within the prescribed range. Experiments are conducted using the real date collected from a large-scale mineral processing plant in west China in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the approach. -
圖 1 工業(yè)過(guò)程運行指標決策問(wèn)題
Fig. 1 Decision-making problem of operational indices in industrial processes
圖 3 多執行-評判結構下運行指標自學(xué)習決策流程圖
Fig. 3 Flowchart of self-learning decision making of operational indices with multiple actors-critic structure
圖 11 策略異步更新和策略同步更新強化學(xué)習算法時(shí)間消耗對比
Fig. 11 Comparison of time consumption betweenasynchronous policy update and synchronouspolicy update
圖 12 考慮工況變化和不考慮工況變化統計結果對比
Fig. 12 Statistic results with and without consideration of dynamics of production condition
表 1 運行指標
Table 1 Operational indices
單元 運行指標 取值范圍 (%) 豎爐 $a_1$: 磁管回收率 $a_{1\max} =84.8$ $a_{1\min} =81.3$ 磨礦單元1 $a_2$: 磨礦粒度 $a_{2\max} =84.0$ $a_{2\min} =48.6$ 磨礦單元2 $a_3$: 磨礦粒度 $a_{3\max} =88.8$ $a_{3\min} =63.3$ 強磁選 $a_4$: 精礦品位 $a_{4\max} =53.4$ $a_{4\min} =45.9$ $a_5$: 尾礦品位 $a_{5\max} =23.2$ $a_{5\min} =17.9$ 弱磁選 $a_6$: 精礦品位 $a_{6\max} =57.8$ $a_{6\min} =53.5$ $a_7$: 尾礦品位 $a_{7\max} =20.2$ $a_{7\min} =15.9$ 下載: 導出CSV亚洲第一网址_国产国产人精品视频69_久久久久精品视频_国产精品第九页 -
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