doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c180710
中國科學(xué)院自動(dòng)化研究所復雜系統管理與控制國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室 北京 100190
青島智能產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)研究院平行區塊鏈技術(shù)創(chuàng )新中心 青島 266109
國防科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)軍事計算實(shí)驗與平行系統技術(shù)中心 長(cháng)沙 410073
中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)中國經(jīng)濟與社會(huì )安全研究中心 北京 101408
國家自然科學(xué)基金 71702182
國家自然科學(xué)基金 71472174
國家自然科學(xué)基金 61233001
國家自然科學(xué)基金 61533019
國家自然科學(xué)基金 71232006
Security Problems on Blockchain: The State of the Art and Future Trends
The State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
Innovation Center for Parallel Blockchain, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, Qingdao 266109
Research Center of Military Computational Experiments and Parallel Systems, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073
Center of China Economic and Social Security, The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408
National Natural Science Foundation of China 71702182
National Natural Science Foundation of China 71472174
National Natural Science Foundation of China 61233001
National Natural Science Foundation of China 61533019
National Natural Science Foundation of China 71232006
摘要: 區塊鏈是比特幣底層的核心技術(shù),展示了在自組織模式下實(shí)現大規模協(xié)作的巨大潛力,為解決分布式網(wǎng)絡(luò )中的一致性問(wèn)題提供了全新的方法.隨著(zhù)比特幣的廣泛流通和去中心化區塊鏈平臺的蓬勃發(fā)展,區塊鏈應用也逐漸延伸至金融、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)等領(lǐng)域,全球掀起了區塊鏈的研究熱潮.然而,區塊鏈為無(wú)信任的網(wǎng)絡(luò )環(huán)境提供安全保障的同時(shí),也面臨安全和隱私方面的嚴峻挑戰.本文定義了區塊鏈系統設計追求的安全目標,從機制漏洞、攻擊手段和安全措施三方面對區塊鏈各層級的安全問(wèn)題進(jìn)行全面分析,提出了區塊鏈的平行安全概念框架,并總結未來(lái)區塊鏈安全問(wèn)題的研究重點(diǎn).本文致力于為區塊鏈研究提供有益的安全技術(shù)理論支撐與借鑒.Abstract: As the core underlying technology of Bitcoin, blockchain shows the potential of achieving large-scale self-organizing, and provides a new approach to solve the consistency problem in P2P networks. With the widespread circulation of Bitcoin and the rapid development of decentralized blockchain platforms, blockchain has been gradually applied to many fields such as finance and Internet of Things, and related studies have been blooming across the world. Blockchain provides a security architecture in the trustless network environment, however, it also faces serious challenges in security and privacy. In this paper, we defined the security objectives and gave a comprehensive analysis of blockchain security from the aspects of the existing vulnerabilities, attacks and security measures. In addition, we proposed a conceptual framework of parallel security and summarized the key directions of future security research on blockchain. This paper is devoted to providing useful theoretical support and reference for future blockchain researches.
Key words:
- Blockchain /
- provable security /
- privacy protection /
- security threat /
- supervision
1) 本文責任編委?魏慶來(lái) -
密碼算法 類(lèi)型 功能 安全性影響 AES 對稱(chēng)密碼 加密 攻擊難度減半 SHA-2, SHA-3 - 哈希函數 攻擊難度減半 RSA 公鑰密碼 加密 攻破 ECDSA, ECDH 公鑰密碼 簽名, 密鑰交換 攻破 DSA 公鑰密碼 簽名, 密鑰交換 攻破 下載: 導出CSV亚洲第一网址_国产国产人精品视频69_久久久久精品视频_国产精品第九页 -
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