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              丁進(jìn)良 楊翠娥 陳立鵬 柴天佑

              丁進(jìn)良, 楊翠娥, 陳立鵬, 柴天佑. 基于參考點(diǎn)預測的動(dòng)態(tài)多目標優(yōu)化算法. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2017, 43(2): 313-320. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150811
              引用本文: 丁進(jìn)良, 楊翠娥, 陳立鵬, 柴天佑. 基于參考點(diǎn)預測的動(dòng)態(tài)多目標優(yōu)化算法. 自動(dòng)化學(xué)報, 2017, 43(2): 313-320. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150811
              DING Jin-Liang, YANG Cui-E, CHEN Li-Peng, CHAI Tian-You. Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Based on Reference Point Prediction. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(2): 313-320. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150811
              Citation: DING Jin-Liang, YANG Cui-E, CHEN Li-Peng, CHAI Tian-You. Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Based on Reference Point Prediction. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(2): 313-320. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150811


              doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c150811

              遼寧省教育廳人才項目 LR2015021

              國家自然科學(xué)基金 61590922

              國家自然科學(xué)基金 61273031

              遼寧省自然科學(xué)基金項目 2014020021

              國家自然科學(xué)基金 61525302




                柴天佑中國工程院院士, 東北大學(xué)教授, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow.主要研究方向為自適應控制, 智能解耦控制, 流程工業(yè)綜合自動(dòng)化理論、方法與技術(shù).E-mail:tychai@mail.neu.edu.cn


                丁進(jìn)良東北大學(xué)教授.主要研究方向為復雜工業(yè)過(guò)程建模, 運行優(yōu)化控制與進(jìn)化計算.本文通信作者.E-mail:jlding@mail.neu.edu.cn

              Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Based on Reference Point Prediction


              Talent Support Project of Liaoning LR2015021

              Natural Science Fundation of China 61590922

              Natural Science Fundation of China 61273031

              National Natural Science Fundation of Liaoning Province 2014020021

              Natural Science Fundation of China 61525302

              More Information
                Author Bio:

                Master student at Northeastern University. Her main research interest is evolutionary optimization algorithm

                Master student at Northeastern University. His main research interest is evolutionary optimization algorithm

                Member of Chinese Engineering Academy, professor at Northeastern University. IEEE Fellow and IFAC Fellow. His research interest covers adaptive control, intelligent decoupling control, integrated automation theory, method and technology of industrial process

                Corresponding author: DING Jin-Liang Professor at Northeastern University. His research interest covers modeling, operational optimization control of the complex industrial process and evolutionary computation. Corresponding author of this paper
              • 摘要: 為了快速跟蹤動(dòng)態(tài)多目標優(yōu)化問(wèn)題變化的Pareto前沿,本文提出一種基于參考點(diǎn)預測策略的動(dòng)態(tài)多目標優(yōu)化算法(PDMOP).該算法對關(guān)聯(lián)到相同參考點(diǎn)的個(gè)體建立時(shí)間序列,并對這些時(shí)間序列通過(guò)線(xiàn)性回歸模型預測新環(huán)境下種群.同時(shí),將歷史時(shí)刻的預測誤差反饋到當前預測中來(lái)提高預測的準確性,并在每個(gè)預測的個(gè)體上加入擾動(dòng)來(lái)增加初始種群多樣性,從而能夠加快算法在新環(huán)境下的收斂速度.通過(guò)4個(gè)標準測試函數對該算法測試,并和兩個(gè)現有算法對比分析,結果表明所提算法在處理動(dòng)態(tài)多目標優(yōu)化問(wèn)題時(shí)能夠保持良好的性能.
                1)  本文責任編委?魏慶來(lái)
              • 圖  1  兩目標優(yōu)化問(wèn)題的結構化參考點(diǎn)

                Fig.  1  Two-objective optimization problem structured reference point

                圖  2  兩目標優(yōu)化問(wèn)題個(gè)體和參考點(diǎn)關(guān)聯(lián)

                Fig.  2  Two objective optimization problem of individual associated with reference point

                圖  3  FDA1的IGD均值

                Fig.  3  Average IGD of FDA1

                圖  4  FDA3的IGD均值

                Fig.  4  Average IGD of FDA3

                圖  5  FDA4的IGD均值

                Fig.  5  Average IGD of FDA4

                圖  6  FDA5的IGD均值

                Fig.  6  Average IGD of FDA5

                圖  7  FDA1的HVR均值

                Fig.  7  Average HVR of FDA1

                圖  8  FDA3的HVR均值

                Fig.  8  Average HVR of FDA3

                圖  9  FDA4的HVR均值

                Fig.  9  Average HVR of FDA4

                圖  10  FDA5的HVR均值

                Fig.  10  Average HVR of FDA5

                圖  11  FDA1的預測種群

                Fig.  11  Prediction population of FDA1

                圖  12  FDA3的預測種群

                Fig.  12  Prediction population of FDA3

                圖  13  FDA4的預測種群

                Fig.  13  Prediction population of FDA4

                圖  14  FDA5的預測種群

                Fig.  14  Prediction population of FDA5

                表  1  個(gè)體關(guān)聯(lián)算法

                Table  1  Individual correlation algorithm

                算法1 個(gè)體關(guān)聯(lián)算法
                步驟1 for $i=1:H$ do ///H參考點(diǎn)的個(gè)數
                步驟2 ??鏈接參考點(diǎn)和原點(diǎn)作為該參考點(diǎn)參考線(xiàn)
                步驟3 end
                步驟4 for $i=1:N$ do? ///N種群的個(gè)體數
                步驟5 ??for $j=1:H$ do
                步驟6 ????計算每個(gè)個(gè)體和參考線(xiàn)的距離
                步驟7 ??end
                步驟8 ??與個(gè)體垂直距離最小的參考點(diǎn)記錄為關(guān)聯(lián)參考點(diǎn)
                步驟9 end?
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                表  2  PDMOP算法偽代碼

                Table  2  Pseudo code of PDMOP

                算法2 PDMOP算法偽代碼
                步驟1 參數及種群初始化:設置初始化參數, 時(shí)間常數τt, 種群大小pop, 進(jìn)化代數max_gen, 并在決策空間內隨機產(chǎn)生規模為pop初始種群p0t.令t=0, T=0, gen=0
                步驟2 環(huán)境探測:根據式(7) 計算η (t), 如果η (t) < η則轉步驟3, 否則轉步驟4.
                步驟3 環(huán)境未發(fā)生變化, 進(jìn)化操作更新父代個(gè)體.
                步驟3.1 進(jìn)化操作:以一定的交叉概率pc, 變異概率pm, 對當前父代個(gè)體ptgen進(jìn)行進(jìn)化操作, 產(chǎn)生新的種群?gent.
                步驟3.2 對?tgenptgen快速排序, 并根據參考點(diǎn)關(guān)聯(lián)選擇個(gè)體pt+1gen作為下一代個(gè)體, 轉步驟5.
                步驟4 環(huán)境發(fā)生變化, 產(chǎn)生預測種群響應變化
                步驟4.1 產(chǎn)生預測種群, 基于式(4) 所示預測模型, 產(chǎn)生與種群大小為pop的預測種群, 并將其作為下一時(shí)刻算法的初始種群.
                步驟4.2 存儲歷史信息, 轉步驟5.
                步驟5 判斷是否滿(mǎn)足算法停止條件, 若滿(mǎn)足則停止; 否則, t=t + 1, 轉步驟2.
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                表  3  測試函數

                Table  3  Test instance

                測試函數 搜索空間 目標值, PS和PF
                FDA1 $[0, 1]\times[-1, 1]^{n - 1}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = {{\pmb x}_1}, {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = g\left( {1 - \sqrt {\frac{{{f_1}}}{g}} } \right)\\ g = 1 + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}, G = \sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)\\ {\rm PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, {\rm for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ {\rm PF}\left( t \right):{f_2} = 1 - \sqrt {{f_1}}, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} 0 \le {f_1} \le 1 \end{array}$
                FDA3 $[0, 1]\times [-1, 1]^{n - 1}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = {\pmb x}_1^F, {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = g\left( {1 - \sqrt {\frac{{{f_1}}}{g}} } \right)\\ g = 1 + G + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} F = {\kern 1pt} {10^{2\sin \left( {0.5\pi t} \right)}}\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):{f_2} = 1 - \sqrt {{f_1}}, {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} 0 \le {f_1} \le 1 \end{array}$
                FDA4 ${[0, 1]^n}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\cos \left( {0.5\pi {x_1}} \right)\\ {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\sin \left( {0.5\pi {x_1}} \right)\\ g = {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):f_1^2 + f_2^2 = 1 \end{array}$
                FDA5 ${[0, 1]^n}$ $\begin{array}{l} {f_1}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\cos \left( {0.5\pi {y_1}} \right)\\ {f_2}\left( {{\pmb x}, t} \right) = \left( {1 + g} \right)\sin \left( {0.5\pi {y_1}} \right)\\ g = G + {\sum\nolimits_{i = 2}^n {\left( {{x_i} - G\left( t \right)} \right)} ^2}\\ G = \left| {\sin \left( {0.5\pi \frac{t}{{{n_T}}}} \right)} \right|\\ {y_i} = x_i^F, F = 1 + 100{\sin ^4}\left( {0.5\pi t} \right)\\ \textrm{PS}\left( t \right):0 \le {x_1} \le 1, {x_i} = G, \textrm{for}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} i = 2, \cdots, n\\ \textrm{PF}\left( t \right):f_1^2 + f_2^2 = {\left( {1 + G} \right)^2} \end{array}$
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                表  4  算法性能評價(jià)比較

                Table  4  The comparison of algorithm performance

                測試函數 性能評價(jià)指標算法 IGD HVR
                FDA1 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.071365018(0.002269256) 0.71946556 (0.000297)
                DSS 0.02600748(0.001803211) 0.70582515 (0.000535)
                PDMOP 0.015680472 (0.000359908) 0.73517365 (0.000364)
                FDA3 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.044540016 (0.001073) 0.71305567 (0.000135)
                DSS 0.025739528 (0.001627) 0.6885821 (0.001138)
                PDMOP 0.01396887 (0.000212644) 0.72832574 (0.00032)
                FDA4 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.52746455 (0.00360) 0.9912373 (4.065E-05)
                DSS 0.590349722 (0.019668538) 0.991158595 (0.00059)
                PDMOP 0.487834225 (0.002480901) 0.9936884 (4.83E-05)
                FDA5 DNSGA-Ⅱ 0.815775725 (0.0609696) 0.9958528 (3.26E-05)
                DSS 0.785075639 (0.020305) 0.981521674 (0.00057)
                PDMOP 0.767482022 (0.0258126) 0.99085766 (1.58E-06)
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